lördag 20 juli 2013

A crazy week...

It's been a while since I used the blogg, actually, can't remember last time. But after this week I suddenly have a need of writing, just to get it out of my system. Something really crazy happen to us.

I won't go into details, but I can assure you of that I never thought that something, or should I say somebody, could "rock-my-boat" and turn my world upside down in just a few days.

Last week started nicely, we planned for the 2 day show in Tvååker and Lena and Thomas came from Stockholm. Hanna was here and everything went normal. Friday and Saturday we went together to the show and we met Norma who was judging. On Sunday I went to get Norma and we spend the day together with Thomas, Lena and Norma shit chatting about everything and nothing.

Late Sunday evening the crazy event started. We got a new guest that apparently don't know anything about respect and how to behave when being a guest. 

Monday we went to Gotheburg and  wanted to show Norma how our big city looked like, unfortunately the other guest where with us and destroyed everything. Took over the sightseeing boat and destroyed the adventure for everyone at the boat. Later we went to Hard Rock Cafe and the same disaster appeared. 

When having Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in the same pattern, I had enough and asked the other guest to leave us because we couln't stand it anylonger. We fought every morning, day and night and this was tearing our "family" apart.

So finally - late yesterday evening - our guest left us. We were so tired so we went to sleep one hour after the guest left. 

Today Peter celebrated his birthday, we had a wonderful day with lot's of people coming. I'm so happy that our guest left yesterday, otherwise this lovely day would have been a disaster as well.

Leasson? Never, never invite someone to your home that you feel a little insecured of before they come. They can, and they will destroy you and abuse your hospitality and the only thing you will end up with is that you discover that you  have another side of yourself you didn't realize that you had.

I have been so angry and said things I never said before!

So be very careful of who you invite!!